This is a memorial website to honor our dear friend and loved one, Dan Bergin. Dan has many friends in the sailing and skiing communities; in the piloting and kite gliding communities; in the enlightenment intensive communities, and many, many other groups and organizations, as well his close and loved primary family. This "blog" gives us an opportunity to express our feelings for and to Dan and to recount experiences we had with him.


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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ann Wheelan

I have been away for a few months training with the military, and just got home to hear of Dan's death. What a man! So full of life. He taught me so much about how to live..about truth..about facing your darkest fears. He had a lot to do with the person I have become..all the good parts. The best way to remember and honor such a wonderful spirit is to try to live as he did. My heart goes out to everyone who had the privilege of knowing this soul. Our world is darker without him.

"It is the experience of living that is important; not searching for meaning. We bring meaning by how we love the world."
~ Bernie S. Siegel

I miss you Dan.
Ann Wheelan

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