This is a memorial website to honor our dear friend and loved one, Dan Bergin. Dan has many friends in the sailing and skiing communities; in the piloting and kite gliding communities; in the enlightenment intensive communities, and many, many other groups and organizations, as well his close and loved primary family. This "blog" gives us an opportunity to express our feelings for and to Dan and to recount experiences we had with him.


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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Colin Moffat

I met Dan at the Airline Ski Races in '92. I was Dan's Part time Roommate '97-99 commuting out of SF until my wife and I moved to PC summer of '99. Dan turned me on to Mountain Biking and was cohort (accomplice) on numerous adventures........

I have lost a kindred spirit and a great friend.

A blazing meteor has vanished over the western horizon. Dan was “core”— a no frills master of his own universe. A universe not without its demons, and yet in this arena, Dan confronted them head on and fought valiantly. An Obi-Wan — Zen knight with a snowboard, who never gave a second thought about convention. Those who knew him, knew he was no stranger to the edge, but in the end gave it respect. Ironic as this should have been written a decade or two ago… and just when he seemed to be settling ito his groove… fate paid an early visit to this voyager of the spirit. A Naval Grad and fighter pilot from the era of the so-called “Evil Empire“... He grabbed on to the so-called ”Good life” as an airline pilot… but was never satisfied or content with the mundane. Competitive to the core: He won a lot of ski races and stashed his trophies in his “snake infested shack” on the side of the mountain. He lived without pretense and skied hard until he blew out his knee and eventually his back …but even this couldn't keep him down. A coach and a mentor to many upcoming champions or at the least…. enlightened disciples. There were several whom he loved but could never bridge the personal crevasses of his inner glaciers, for beneath the lava was still flowing and molten: And thus they came and went …. and for the longest time he was the charming-hermit-monk. Ironic but in the end…this lava was forming into solid rock. No Stranger to the Himalayas, the Andes, and the Cascades, he still found refuge dwelling in the Wasatch and on the shores of Puget Sound. His “Papa” was a beacon and a true inspiration to him, and his father’s passing gave him a renewed perspective on what was important. From my perspective this had a profound transformational effect on his outlook. He traded out “ the Aluminum Sky Machine life” on a technicality and transformed this to return to his seaside roots. In a Vessel name “Papa II”, he sailed the tropics on up to and through the cold waters of the inside passage. Experiencing communion with Dolphins from Kuna Yala, Mexico and San Diego, his weekly quips served as a reminder to the rest of us that his life was going full throttle into his next amazing chapter. Damm the torpedoes… and the unfortunate rocky shoal incident …. A reminder to him that there always is a price we must all pay… for making our dreams come true. A true dharma bum up to the end, the enlightened rouge who loved nothing more than to lead others out of their dark cocoon into the light , even if the sting of transition was painful…. We will never forget his weathered face, childlike boyish grin of a smile, and intense sparkling blue eyes. He was full of life, and I can only imagine how he kited off into the storm to be enveloped in the torrent. Quenched like a red hot iron in a pail of water. After the storm the sun always comes out again. just this time Captain Delta Dan has sailed on to the other side of the Sunsets Neon Rust…

I wrote this flying back from Europe after hearing of Dan’s Passing.

Evening of 10 Dec 2007. Just Back form Dan’s Park City Memorial

I barely kept my composure at the Mass. Never thought Bergin could pack a Church.

Having to take my two young daughters on to their afternoon programs……

I missed my impromptu moment to toss out my thoughts at Dan’s Park City NAC reception and made a fast hurried quip in some autograph book. Just as well…..

As I look back on a great friend and a favorite character, I’m grateful I had time to share with this guy for the last decade and a half. Dan was truly inspirational. In his earlier years, he could be labeled as a much better friend than a husband or a boyfriend … although in the end I suspect he had exorcised his demons and was probably ready to settle down. He would have been a great father... In reflection, Dan had the knack to expand our horizons. He will not soon be forgotten. His true friends will always remember the great adventures that he inspired or partook with us.

Like that Blazing Meteor … we can always remember his influence … like an intense sparkling light fading… but still etched permanently into our collective memories.

We will miss you bud, bro, dude, Amigo!


Respect - Love - Friendship

Colin Moffat
(former fighter pilot USAFA ‘83)
(former inhabitant of the snake pit)
(friend of Dan’s)

PS: When the sun breaks out of the clouds on top of that windswept peek looking down on to a field of spangling powder….
With the rushing descent on a mountain bike thru the golden blankets of Aspen leaves when the light is just right….
On a down wind run, sunshine on your back, cool breeze blowing thru your hair, the cocktail ice clinking, and waves gently caressing the bow. The dolphins dancing to the Starboard in loose formation….

You’re there Bro!

PPS: Bergin was Cool.

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