This is a memorial website to honor our dear friend and loved one, Dan Bergin. Dan has many friends in the sailing and skiing communities; in the piloting and kite gliding communities; in the enlightenment intensive communities, and many, many other groups and organizations, as well his close and loved primary family. This "blog" gives us an opportunity to express our feelings for and to Dan and to recount experiences we had with him.


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Monday, October 22, 2007

Brock Palmer

Each time I think I have accepted Dan’s passing via the concepts of “no loss ever” and “death is not the end”, some thought or feeling rises up and I am overwhelmed with emotional
saddness. Regardless of one’s Divinity and the reality of Dan’s love and presence being in my heart, I am forced to face my humanness, Dan’s humanness, the fraility of life. I thought of Dan as being indestructible; I suppose most of us think of ourselves and the ones we love as being indestructible. The reality of impermanence in spite of the Reality of an ongoing, never ending continuation of love is befuddling to the mind. I’m not ready to say goodbye to you Dan. I will be with you, in contact with you for now. It cannot be otherwise. with love, Brock

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